Thursday, December 31, 2009



HAPPY NEW YEAR to one and all!! May you have the greatest time bringing it in, and the most amazing year ahead of you! Wish you the best for the year, I for one am looking forward to 2010, hope it turns out to be a much better year than the previous one!!

I'm off vacationing in Europe, see you in about a week's time. Can't wait to see all the creations all of you have come up with for Christmas, and New Year's!!!


  1. Let me tell you dear, for a teenager , you are a fabulous cook/baker. When i was younger i wouldn't even enter the kitchen, until i was grounded and had to ... lol !!!

    Wish you a very Happy New Year.

  2. Heyy that's such a coincidence!Happy New Year!!

  3. Katrina - Thank you, to you too :)

    Kate/Kajal - Thanks so much! Lol, but you turned out to be so amazing. For me it's different, mom tried to keep me out of the kitchen as much as possible, because I created [and still do sometimes] a HUGE mess.

    Cassie - I DID :D :D

    Ingrid - Thanks, to you too.

    Bindiya - I know! What are the chances. To you too!


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